In case you missed our last collections of coffee memes, grab your mug and check these out , they’re so funny you’ll laugh even if you aren’t giddy from being over-caffeinated (but I bet you are, anyway). We coffee addicts certainly do take our caffeine seriously but not so seriously that we can’t see the humor in our complete and utter dependency on a beverage to make us feel like rational human beings. Well, maybe we don’t need coffee to feel healthy, but we do need it to feel awake.
Funny Coffee Memes
And if you agree with us, then you’ll surely enjoy these funny coffee memes we have for you today. They are so good that you won’t be able to stop smiling for the entire day. Coffee makes an excellent kick starter drink in the early morning. A lot of people need it so badly that they have a hard time functioning well without it. Apart from the great taste, coffee makes everything better.

Oh coffee, you’re always there for us in the morning even if the morning starts way earlier than we would’ve liked. lols

I tried starving my day without coffee once; some people can’t do without taking coffee in a day. Send this meme to them and make them laugh.

Drinking coffee doesn’t count as breakfast, lols. One of the benefits of coffee is to prevent us from sleeping at work.

You smell coffee, lol, you can use this meme to mock those that have turn coffee to their food. lols

Where is my coffee, some people are just crazy about this coffee of a thing. They don’t joke with it at all.

When that first cup of coffee touches your soul, this goes to those that like to take coffee early in the morning. The reaction is always great.

Do you believe that you can win a girl heart by merely buying her coffee? If you dont know, now you know.

It is not advisable to be drinking whiskey in the morning if you don’t want to get drunk.lols. Take your coffee and go to work. lols

This is another hilarious meme you can send to those that love partying during the weekend and get to work on Monday and started behaving anyhow. lols

Some of us like coffee to the extent that even at the point of death, we will still request for a cup of coffee. lols

Some people are so addicted to a coffee to the extent that they are not sure if its Wednesday. lols

Coffee is always delicious, basically no matter how you serve it. That is the reason why some people are crazy about it.

Some people can ask unreasonable question lols; how i take my coffee is none of your business.

This is another hilarious meme you can send to coffer lovers to brighten up their day.

Some of us don’t just like adding another thing to our coffee; it can get us frustrated most times. lols

How do i take my coffee, seriously, very seriously? Coffee is not something we joke with. lols

True coffee lovers consider coffee a whole meal. Like, every meal lols, they can’t just do without it in a day.

Some of us can drink coffee in any weather condition we find ourselves lols. Coffee is in the blood.

Modern day marketing needs advanced product placement strategy even though it can be a bit of a bad influence sometimes.

If you go to some companies, you will realize that some worker can’t start work without taking coffee. This meme can be used to mock them.

Seriously, keep it to yourself. Our love of coffee doesn’t need anyone’s validation. Send this meme to your loved ones to brighten up their day.

Besides, anything that helps us hold two thoughts together in the morning can’t be all bad.

Not everyone will be considered universally good in bed, even if they are high in bed for one person won’t do the one thing that makes sex great.

It pained if your friend invites you for coffee snob but ordered mocha with two sugars. lols

This is one of the best news for coffee lovers; they are always happy when they hear anything about coffee. Send this meme to them to crack them up.

Coffee i need, this another scary meme you can send to your friend who is having a bad day at the office, and he/she will turn happier.

There’s no end in sight, especially considering we can’t even get our eyes open in the morning without a cup of coffee.

We don’t have to understand the science behind how coffee works; all we need to do is to pick the call. lols

There is no way you can make sense of life without a coffee; we have to accept that there’s some magic involved.
Morning Coffee Memes
We have put together collections of lovely morning coffee memes. Getting out of bed in the morning can be hard most, especially when you’re expected to be civil to other people before you’re completely awake — so unfair!), but caffeine lovers know that coffee can be the critical difference between having a great morning and having the kind of morning when you groggily pour orange juice into your cereal, yell at your spouse, and accidentally openly roll your eyes during business meetings.

The reaction is always painful when you forget your coffee at home in the course of rushing to work in the morning, lols.

This meme can be used to scare coffee lovers, and the person will stop taking coffee lols. Diarrhea what? Lols.

One of the thing you can do to prevent you from sleeping while the sermon is going on during Sunday service id to take coffee before going to church.

Of course, that is the truth, the majority of people that love drinking coffee in the morning always makes them happy.

I told you, do not pet me before my morning coffee, lols send this meme to that your girlfriend that can’t do without coffee. lols

Some people can’t function well if they are yet to take their coffee in the morning.

This is another amusing meme you can send to a friend that is sick, telling him/her early coffee you need.

Like i said earlier, some people can’t work without taking coffee; they always come back to their senses and ready to work after making coffee.

You dare not talk to some of your fellow workers if they are yet to take their coffee in the morning. lols

Because without coffee, we’re not quite as alert as we could be.
Monday Coffee Memes
We’ve put together a list of some of the best Monday coffee memes on our website regarding the pick-me-up drink of choice. Are you dreading the traffic on Monday morning? Are you desperately trying to avoid the long commute? Are you tired of being stuck in traffic for several hours in the early morning? Why not count on the power of coffee to get you to work? Coffee has some serious summoning power, because who can say no to a fine brew?

Most of the workers do sleep at work on Monday due to maybe they had a stressful weekend.

Most of us in early Monday morning will be looking for a coffee shop, lols. The aim is to prevent us from sleeping at work.

Because Mondays are always busy, most of us find it challenging to drink enough coffee that we want.

In some companies, you can’t start a meeting without coffee, is like some of them takes coffee as their inspiration.

When you realized Monday has 24hours in it. This is another funny meme you can send to those lazy workers to crack them up.

You should always get yourself prepared, Monday coffee memes are still there to put a smile on your face.

This is another beautiful prayer you can say to coffee lovers in your area, believe me, they will turn happier.

Almost everybody hates Mondays, but there is nothing we can do about it. Drink your coffee and be happy.

We need just enough to nudge our mood back into the “normal” range. Coffee always gives us strength at work.
Friday Coffee memes
Friday Coffee memes shows a little more attitude, Friday is the end of the week for most people. In the same way that Monday can conjure up a feeling of dread, Friday is a day to look forward to, and a lot of Friday memes reflect that. It can also represent a source of frustration and jealousy for people who have to work weekends, but there are memes for that as well.

Had coffee and its Friday, the reaction is always great when you realized you are going for a weekend.

Friday is the best day for some people because it is the last day of the week if i may say. Lols.

This goes to the coffee lovers, they don’t joke with coffee most especially on Fridays.

Its Friday, where is my coffee, this meme can be sent to request for a coffee from a friend or colleague in the office.

If you have a friend that loves coffee as you do, you can always send him/her this meme to wish them happy Friday.

Friday? Has anyone seen Friday? Lols especially when things don’t quite go according to plan.

The perfect combination of food you can eat on Friday morning is coffee and cheesecake. lols

Always get your self prepared, our memes are still there to make you happy on Fridays.

Life without coffee is like something without something. lols

Free coffee Friday, are you kidding meme lol. This is excellent news for the coffee lovers. Use this meme to send some good laugh to them.
Need Coffee Memes
Pump up your morning with our need coffee memes collections we have put together for you. There is nothing a good cup of coffee couldn’t fix. Whether you’re at work beating deadlines on a midweek, waking up from a terrible night, or staying up late for an exam, everything gets better with coffee.

If you have a colleague that always sleep at work, send him/her this meme. lols

When you have worked your self out, and it seems you are tired, try, and ask for a cup of coffee to regain back your strength.

This is yet another cute and simple way to put a smile on coffee lovers face. Lols

This is another crazy meme you can use to brighten up someone’s day. Even when he has an injury on his head, he still requested for a coffee. lols

Some are lazy over everything, they love to drink coffee, but they can’t prepare it. lols

You dare not look at some people face when they need coffee. Lol as if they don’t drink coffee they will die.

The reaction is always hilarious when you send this meme to your loved ones to brighten up their day.

Some ladies can go sick if they don’t drink coffee in a day, send this meme to mock them.

The coffee pot broke; some of us have found ourselves in this situation before. Lols. What a painful experience.
Caffeine meme
You can make use of our Caffeine Memes to brighten your loved one’s day; It is during this time that people are supposed to break down the amount of caffeine they are consuming and realize the effects it can have on their health. The goal is to be at least able to make an informed decision about what is being put into the body. We know that it helps us get through a long day, making us feel warm on the inside so that we can be helpful to people on the outside. We know that we can depend on coffee because it seems to understand that sometimes we need a little extra push in life to keep moving forward.

This is what too much of intake of caffeine can cause lols.

If you have a friend that always behave abnormally any time he/she out of caffeine, send him/her this meme.

I don’t have problem with caffeine; some people can’t just do without it. lols

Can you imagine some people take caffeine as their last hope lols, send this meme to caffeine lovers to make them laugh.

To some people, caffeine is what they want and what they need. lols

Dont be addicted to it, too much of everything is terrible. Send this meme to coffee lovers to advise them.

The reaction when you just finished taking caffeine, and you feel like you are on top of the world.

Let the caffeine flow through you. lols. Coffee is always in the blood of those that love it.

In that case, it might be better to go out for your loved ones and drink caffeine together.

This is what happens when to drink too much caffeine lols.