Mike Turner

  • Opening Business Accounts with Cryptocurrency (2024 Guide)

    Opening Business Accounts with Cryptocurrency (2024 Guide)

    Business Accounts with Cryptocurrency
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    Opening a corporate banking account for cryptocurrency is now even more difficult than for personal use. Business with digital financial services is traditionally classified as high-risk, so banks, fearing sanctions from international financial regulators and the FATCA law, try not to have any business with companies conducting digital business.
  • What Was the Nyan Cat?

    What Was the Nyan Cat?

    Nyan Cat
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    Do you remember around 2011 when a cute little kitty with a pop tart for a body and a rainbow following behind it as it traveled space was circling around on the Internet? Do you remember the tune that got stuck in everyone’s head? It’s to the point that YouTubers posted the little meme to...
  • The Things Kiwis Look For in an Online Casino Platform

    The Things Kiwis Look For in an Online Casino Platform

    Online Casino
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    There are lots of casino platforms available online, and some Kiwis enjoy playing casino games. They will be looking to enjoy their favorite titles on proper platforms. These platforms will need to keep their players safe and sound from all sorts of online threats and help them whenever they run into an issue.
  • Top 6 Lead Generation Strategies For Digital Marketers

    Top 6 Lead Generation Strategies For Digital Marketers

    Lead Generation Strategies
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    In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, your ability to generate high-quality leads is crucial for the success of your campaigns. As a digital marketer, you’re always seeking innovative ways to captivate your target audience and convert them into devoted customers.  
  • 10 Low Energy Date Night Ideas For When You Are Both Tired

    10 Low Energy Date Night Ideas For When You Are Both Tired

    Low Energy Date Night Ideas
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    Of course you both work, of course you both have a ton of duties and engagements, and fatigue often takes center stage, leaving us with the desire for cozy evenings rather than grand adventures. Fear not, tired souls, for there is immense beauty in low-energy date nights. 
  • The Improvements Made to Online Casino Gaming Experience

    The Improvements Made to Online Casino Gaming Experience

    Online Casino
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    Online casino games have experienced significant growth in recent years because of the increasing adoption of smartphones and mobile games. Smartphones support Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and Machine Learning, allowing developers to create more immersive casino games. 
  • The Most Creative Ways to Pick Lottery Numbers

    The Most Creative Ways to Pick Lottery Numbers

    Pick Lottery Numbers
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    There are many ways to pick lottery numbers. Some players rely on analytical reasoning for selection. Others also use significant dates, figures, or facts to determine a sequence. Either way, a big part of the excitement comes from choosing those numbers and testing your luck. 