If you like to laugh and you love to party, you’ll go wild for these collections of drinking meme we have put together for you. These memes are hilarious. Drinking once in a while is a good way to unwind, particularly after a long week of hard work. Unfortunately, most of the time, drinking comes with a lot of embarrassing experiences that you, your friends and family will surely remember for the rest of their lives. Grab your drinking buddies, crack open a beer, and lol at these memes.
Funny Drinking Meme
Check out the collection of Funny Drinking Meme we have put together for you below. Getting together with your friends to drink after a long week of hard work is extremely comforting. You don’t only get to relax but you also get to catch up and bond with them. If you are planning a get-together this weekend, make sure to send your favorite meme below to everyone you’ve invited.

Women care less about the quality of wine they drink and more about drinking to relax, compared to men who will spend more on “high quality and new drink experiences. Share this meme with your female friends that drinks.

The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink lol. Having a baby is one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

Don’t listen to those that give the wrong advice to you, drinking heavily on Wednesday is a bad idea. Share this meme with them to mock them.

Underage drinking is strongly associated with many other health and social problems including impaired driving, poor school performance, mental health problems, assaults, accidents, injuries, hospital stays, suicides, and deaths. Share this meme with your younger ones.

The benefits of drinking out on a Tuesday are great but don’t forget the importance of tipping well on a Tuesday night.

This amusing meme goes to those that love drinking to stupor every Friday night, you can use this meme to crack them up.

Sharing this meme with those that love drinking on Sundays is another excellent way to put a smile on their faces.

You stop drinking bro, Good luck, this is simple yet another way to mock those who have decided to stop drinking.

It’s a good idea to avoid situations where you may be tempted to drink. Quitting drinking involves staying away from alcoholic beverages and creating a life and environment that keeps the temptation to a minimum.

This is simple yet another hilarious way to ask a drunkard about his future, with the reaction of the man on the picture, he can’t help but laugh.

Whenever you don’t feel like drinking, share this lovely meme with that friend of yours that can’t do without drinking to put a smile on his face.

Monday, for most people the longest and most depressing day of the week. Share this meme with those that loves drinking on Monday.

When you grow up you have to drink beer lol because it was a wise man who invented beer.

As long as you’re drinking (and eating) water throughout the day, Some drugs can cause dry mouth, which makes you feel thirsty.

One of the problems we encounter when stopping drinking for good is reconciling ourselves with the decision to never take a drink again. Share this meme with a friend that has said this statement times without number.

This meme goes to those that love sending a text to all their contact whenever they are drunk lol, sending them this meme is another excellent way to put a smile on their faces.

You’ve probably heard someone say “drinking the Kool-Aid” and maybe you’ve said it yourself. But it’s not just callous — it’s inaccurate, too.

If you’ve got a friend or loved one who drinks heavily, it can be hard to figure out what to do. Share this meme with friends to cheer them up.

Do you feel slightly guilty when you add a straw to a cold drink? share this meme with that friend of yours that cant drink without straw.

When someone you are close to is drinking too much it can have a really big impact. Don’t make it easier to drink by buying alcohol for him or her lol.

Every day is a good day to practice balance, especially when it comes to drinking. Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.

Drinking in the day is an occasion unto itself, to be enjoyed on its congenial terms. And there are terms.

Drinking at home alone can indicate a serious problem, such as a mental illness or alcoholism. There is a difference between having a couple of drinks at the bar or a party with your friends or family and drinking alone.

This is simple yet another amusing meme you can share with mothers who can’t start the day without a coffee, she can’t help it but laugh lol.

Have you ever had a drink or two just before a class? if yes, share this meme with your classmates to crack them up.

The reason people, like going out and getting drinks, is that it’s fun, its a way a majority of people throughout civilized history have unwound after a long day of work, there is usually music of some sort and as I said it the beginning – it is fun.

If you have a friend who is a cop, this is another amazing meme you can use to crack him up.

Drinking to get rid of stress can make you feel worse in the morning

The Christmas and New Year period has an increase in parties, gatherings, and functions. The festive season is a good time to reflect on our drinking culture.

You can’t get a hangover if you don’t stop drinking but at some point, it’s best to take a break from the wine and get some sleep.

There is nothing you can eat or drink that will actually counteract or reverse the effect of any alcohol in your system. Share the meme with friends to crack them up.

This is what happens when doctors said you can only take one bottle of beer a day lol, to some people one bottle is not enough.

You can avoid places where drinks are served, up to a certain point. Friends don’t always trust you when you decide to drink less or quit
Day Drinking Meme
Hey, are you bored? Do you want to see some Day Drinking Meme and laugh about them all day in your office too? We are loaded with that! Just freshen yourself with these memes. These amusing memes can never be a bad choice for a good laughter.

Every day is a good day to practice balance, especially when it comes to drinking. Tag any of your friends that love going out for day drinking.

Some people take any excuse to start drinking lol snow day is a good exemple to stay home and drink lol.

This is one of the hilarious memes that you can ever share with those that drink, they can’t help it but laugh lol.

Day drinking takes stamina. It takes skill. It takes a good group of friends hand-picked by you based on years.

It can be fun spending an afternoon day drinking with friends, but you’ve got to be responsible about it.

Day-drinking is fun and easy. It is probably listed as one of the hobbies someone can partake in lol.

Honestly, Saturdays were made for day drinking. And on Sundays. And Fridays and Mondays and Thursdays. But don’t feel guilty about it.

You can always use this meme to put a smile to those that prefer day drinking to their work.

Day drinking, especially of the weekend variety, is a basic part of modern life.

If you have a friend that always happy whenever class canceled because of day drinking, tag him this meme.

Drinking in the day is an occasion unto itself, to be enjoyed on its own. There are many legitimate reasons to be drinking during the daytime.
Drinking Water Meme
Check out the collections of Drinking Water Meme we have put together for you. Drinking water is something that is a necessity for us to survive. It’s uncontested unless you’re one of THOSE people who feel the need to rebut almost everything. Drink your water, stay hydrated.

It makes sense, then, that drinking a lot of water is important during liver detoxification. Water is essential in our liver health. Share this meme with friends online.

Share this meme with her to encourage her to be taking water at night as drinking water is a great way to clean out your liver as well.

This meme goes to those that don’t like drinking water, you can use this meme to put a smile on their faces.

There are many benefits of drinking water, from helping to accelerate weight loss. So the next time you have a headache, try drinking a tall glass of cool water.

Bear Grylls is ready to drink everything to survive in the nature even his own pee lol, but sometimes he just drink regular water.

This is yet another simple way to crack bus drivers up lol.
Drinking Alone Meme
Here are the selections of Drinking Alone Meme we have put together for you. When you drink alone, you start to develop a relationship with alcohol. It has become kind of a friend. Sometimes you just want to relax after a sterssful day. check this meme and share with your friend who enjoy drink alone after a long day.

You can use this meme to remind mothers that they are not drinking alone whenever they are with their kids.

It’s not drinking alone if the dog is home, this is an ideal way to put a smile on a colleague’s face.

Just because you’re drinking alone doesn’t mean you have to wallow in despair or sit in dim lighting.

No one will know how much you drink if you drink alone lol, that is the truth, no wonder most ladies prefer drinking alone lol.

While many people have a drink at home after work to relax and as a self-reward.

You are drinking for your happiness, sadness, and other things. Why do you care about people judging you?

When it’s friday night and you’re studying is often associate with a glass of wine to reminds you it’s the weekend, share this meme with your friend who like drinking while they are studying
Happy Birthday Drinking Meme
Check out selections of Happy Birthday Drinking Meme we have put together for you which you can share with friends and loved ones on their birthdays. It is not just a matter of age; alcohol is the demand of every exhausted condition, every tired mind, every failure, every success, everything in short.

When you feel like heading for a glass of wine, you might want to give a toast to the celebrant as well. One of the things that you might not want to miss at your party or on your special day would be wine.

You can use this meme to sound a note of warning to your dad on his birthday, with the look of the dog on the meme he can’t help but laugh.

This birthday meme can easily be sent via online to keep the friendship connection active.

Birthdays are among the most celebrated events of our lives. It is always very special and comes with a lot of gratitude, good wishes, and hopes of better.

Wish your best friend a very happy birthday – you can send this meme for a friend and add a small gift.

Birthdays are a great time to show your best friend how special she is, and since your bestie deserves the sweetest thoughts and best wishes.

If you want to congratulate your friend on his or her birthday excellently, this meme is for you!
Kermit Drinking Tea Meme
We have put together the collections of Kermit Drinking Tea Meme. Kermit the Frog is arguably the most popular Muppet character to crossover into the mainstream cultural zeitgeist from the famous children’s show, Sesame Street. Since his conception in 1955, Kermit’s iconic voice and image have made him an internationally recognized character. Though Kermit remains a beloved children’s character, these memes have given the iconic character a new life on the internet.

Sharing this meme with that friend of yours that goes out every day but complain being broke is another good way to mock them.

This is wickedness lol, share this with a lover to crack them up.

Looking for a great compliment to make another person happy? Look no further and take in a huge wave of positivity when you say send this meme to friends.

A warm cup of tea sounds wonderful on a chilly winter day, but what doesn’t sound so wonderful: tea stains.

If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, it makes beer shoot out your nose.

Don’t blame the holidays you were fat in August, one of the reasons why people fat during holidays is because they are idle.

This is yet another simple way to tell people to leave you alone.
Friday Drinking Meme
Grab a beer and enjoy this collection of Friday Drinking Meme that will surely leave you breathless with laughter. Alcohol is a funny thing. It is a magic syrup that makes you a different person. Everyone has two personalities. One is right before an alcohol intake and the other is right after the alcohol intake. Some people need a really large amount of alcohol to go drunk. The people who are still sober after a lot of alcohol, miss all the fun.

Drinking makes uninteresting people matter less and late at night, matter not at all. Share this meme with first-timers.

It’s Friday, and we all know what that means. Some of you will be hitting your favorite watering holes for a bit of liquid courage.

Often in these situations, it is expected that people will be drinking to get drunk, and drunken behavior is either tolerated or celebrated.

Getting drunk can cause you to act out of character in a much worse way. If you don’t drink daily but are drinking regularly, such as every Friday night. Share this meme with those love drinking on Friday night.

Share this meme with friends to cheer them up on Friday night. Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.
Drinking Wine Meme
Check out our drinking wine meme which you can share with wine lovers. Wine is the oldest alcoholic drink in the book, and there’s a rich history to prove it. Dating back thousands of years, wine was commonly consumed by kings and queens in the mid-4th century. It dominates the gastronomic world as sommeliers create expert pairings for every dish imaginable. Sure, wine-making is, in many respects, a refined art form.

People have been drinking wine for thousands of years, and you may wonder if doing so offers any benefits. Share this with those love going to wine shop on pay day.

Sharing this meme with your mother is an excellent way to put a smile on her face.

The health effects of wine are mainly determined by its active ingredient alcohol. Share this with that small boy to crack him up.

It’s unquestionable that drinking alcohol is, for the most part, socially acceptable in society. Share this meme with that friend of yours that can drink a bottle of wine.

Many people overestimate the recommended amount of wine to drink for the best wine health benefits. Share this meme with cat lovers.

This meme goes to those that cant do without drinking wine daily. You can use this meme to send some good laugh to them.

Doctor recommend one glass of wine per day but this is not the kind of glass cup they are talking about.
Never Drinking Again Meme
Explore and share the best and most popular Never Drinking Again Meme we have put together for you which you can share with people that has vowed never to drink again. After all drinking alcohol brings you such fun! but brings also hangovers… There is nothing worst than to wake up in the morning with a pounding headache, parched mouth and having to screw up your eyes because the light is too bright! you’re just hoping that the day will pass quickly so that you will feel better quicker.

If you vow to never drink alcohol, is it called a vow of sobriety? lol.

It’s exactly the type of face you think you have after drinking heavily during the night lol.

When you told yourself you will never drink again and see wine lol, this meme go for those who have a fish memory, share with your friend to crack them up.

You feel so tired after drinking night you just want to do nothing like panda lol.

When you had a terrible hangover and start to say to your friend you will never drink again but it’s the not the first time you said that lol, share this meme with your friend who always say they will never drink again but still do it.
Drinking at Work Meme
You can check out selections of Drinking at Work Meme we have put together for you which you can share with your colleagues, drinking at work is never a good idea but sometimes you just want escape from your stressful day. If you like to drink during work those memes are definitely for you.

You can always use this meme to cheer up that friend yours that loves taking one bottle after work.

If you want to mock your colleagues that love drinking at work, share him this meme.

This is another amusing meme you can use to crack up your colleague at work most especially those that love putting alcohol inside tea lol.

Encouraging drinking in the workplace can lead to exclusion of those who don’t drink for health or religious purposes.

There may not be any specific laws relating to drinking alcohol during office hours. However, your workplace will have their own policy.

Share this meme with those that love drinking before going to work.