WTF memes are quite unbelievable, and people can believe those memes, and they give relation like what the fuck. This term is so well known that people across the world that everyone(including one in your friends’ group) uses this term daily. So you can judge the popularity of “WTF.” These memes are all over the internet as people are always doing something crazy, so your feed will always be full of the latest memes. It’s not like there are only memes and gifs, but many viral wtf videos are trending on the internet. We can surely say that People will always give wtf moments to the internet(we have nothing to worry now). Some of the memes are so well known on the internet that there are T-shirts printed with those quotes.
Where does the wtf meme come from?
Before sharing our impressive collection of WTF memes, let’s talk about the fascinating origin of “WTF.” According to the Huffington Post, “Language historian Ben Zimmer says he found the earliest instance of “WTF” in a 1985 Usenet post titled “Ramblings.” The earliest known usage of the image was posted by Instagram user @Vaultythedude on April 5th, 2016. That day, they posted a picture of a distorted Vault Boy with the caption “dab.” The post received more than 125 likes in two-and-a-half years.
Funny WTF Memes
This collection of incredibly funny WTF memes will crack you up for a while. Share your favorites with your friends and colleagues on social media. There are some memes which will make everyone What The Fuck! They are so against regular memes that people can’t believe. It’s entirely out of context. From my personal experience, these memes are the best kind of memes as people will not relate to it, but they will find these memes funny.

The situation whereby you don’t give a fuck about someone or something, i.e., the condition in which you don’t care what people say about you.

WTF, this is what happens when you refused to go to make up artist. Use this meme to mock that girlfriend of yours that she thinks she knows everything.

Its time to back away from the car to avoid the story that touched. Lol. This is not a pleasant experience, anyway.

What the fuck you mean, black Friday, this has always been the only day most people wait before they purchase things online.

WTF i asked for a pony, when you ask a gidt to your parents and they give you something totally different lol. send this meme to your friends who experienced the same thing.

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B**ch wtf you say, this is another scary meme you can use to warn your troublesome friend.

The reaction is always hilarious when you are asked to do a presentation of the project you just finished, and you haven’t go through it.

That moment when children cartoon character has massive boobs, the fact remain that most men are allergic to boobs, lol. Send the meme to mock them.

This is another hilarious meme you can use to put to your friends without hair lol.

This meme goes to drake fan; you can always post this meme on social media whenever you are confused.

I am trying not to laugh after reading a funny meme that was brought to you by the letter.

The reaction when the person you trust betrays you, the situation is always troubled.

Are you a fan of Jackie chan, do you watch his movies, send this meme to one of his fans you know and put a smile on his face.

Sometimes words are not enough funny meme, make people around you laugh with our memes.

Send this gilarious meme to every parents who experienced the same thing with their children

Why do you have a GoPro, you are 10, this is another meme you can use to put a smile on your younger ones faces who are spoiled.

When you are having a conversation with someone, and the person refused to concentrate on what you were saying.

The face you make when you don’t understand mathematics, and the teacher changes the topic, we have found ourselves in this situation before. It’s always painful.

Some drivers are on the road to frustrate people; if the care is not taken they can spoil your day lol. Send this meme to your friend who use the same sign lol.
Excuse me WTF Memes
You can always make use of our Excuse me WTF Memes collections of meme we have put together for you. This meme is a series of reaction image macros of a distorted image of the character Vault Boy from the video game Fallout. The model features the caption “excuse me what the fuck” to express disbelief or doubt.

When you see a meme, but it’s in 4k, the situation whereby meme was posted online, and you don’t know the meaning.

When should always learn how to utilize our brain positively in a situation we find ourselves. Think positively.

Excuse me, what the fuck are you doing, this is one of the best questions you can ask someone who is doing what it ought not to be doing.

If you have a friend who can’t do without a dog, you can use this meme to send a great laugh to him.

For the love of Aves, this meme can be used to scare someone that want to steal from you. lol
WTF Memes Face
WTF Memes Face became an instant favorite of a meme, quickly joining the internet hall of fame with the likes of Scumbag Steve, Bad Luck Brian, and that dramatic hamster. Now, four years later, this photo is doing the rounds online of little Chloe visiting GOOGLE BRAZIL (seriously this is where internet fame has taken their family)

The way you react when you are trying to do something on your computer, and the laptop is malfunctioning, or the network is not responding.

What the fuck is this shit, this is another meme you can use to mock those that love violating rules and regulation.

Picasso looked at his face and said wtf. This is yet another simple way to crack your lovely ones up.

When you are trying to teach someone something but seems the person did not understand you. It can be frustrating.

My favorite meme to this day remains this meme. Yourself laughing at the lightest hearted shit that puts a smile on your face.
WTF Cat Memes
We have put together the collections of WTF cat memes which you can share with friends. This meme is an exploitable image and response image originating from 4chan, showing a picture cat. It stands out as one of the few successful forced meme’s. The perfect Cat What The Fuck Are You Doing Wtf meme for your conversation. This meme has everything:

The situation when you see two dogs climbing each other, and you asked yourself wtf is happening as if you don’t know what is going on.

This is another hilarious meme you can use to brighten your loved one’s day. With the reaction of the cat, he/she can’t help but laugh.

You can always use this meme to mock that your girlfriend that loves taking a selfie. lol

Cat is one of the best pet in the house; they know how to play with the human being. You will always enjoy every moment with them.

What the fuck happened yesterday, sending this meme to cat lovers is another way to brighten their day.

A baby cat is so adorable, fun to be with. Send this meme to your friend that can’t do without them.