This post with insomnia meme and many more posts on our site can keep you entertained until you fall asleep. Anybody with insomnia will begrudgingly relate to these memes. You feel exhausted all day, but it seems like nothing you do can make you fall asleep when you’re supposed to. Anyway, we don’t have a solution for you; we want you to know that we understand the struggle! There has been a steep upswing in the number of people who are trying to find cures for insomnia. It has been documented that nearly all people have some difficulty falling asleep occasionally. While insomnia prevails among a notable proportion of adults, children too suffer from sleep disorders. The first thing to do is to prevent you from getting overly anxious, just looking at the time and worrying about sleep. Taking a warm bath, before going to bed, brings comfort, and relaxes you to sleep. Relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation etc. help relieve anxiety and bring sleep. You can also ask your partner for a massage. Take plenty of activity during the day or in the evening but not too close to bedtime. Exercise will make you tired and hence drive you to sleep.

Do you have friends that struggle to get to sleep no matter how tired they are? Share this meme with them to crack them up.

If you get into bed and cannot fall asleep after 20 minutes, get up and return to another space in the house to do a relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music.

Sometimes going to sleep can seem annoying. There’s so much more you want to do. But if you’ve ever had too little sleep, you know that you don’t feel very well.

This is one of the hilarious questions you can ask those that always find it difficult to sleep.

The stress of chronic illness can also cause insomnia and daytime drowsiness or it could be simply aliens lol.

If you have a friend that always finds it difficult to sleep, you can mock him with this meme.

A sleep medicine may not work as well when your body gets used to it. This meme will crack those suffering from insomnia up.

People who have insomnia don’t feel as if they get enough sleep at night. They may have trouble falling asleep or may wake up frequently during the night or early in the morning.

What makes pregnancy insomnia even harder to handle? It knows that now is the time when you need sleep the most.

This meme goes to those that can’t sleep without watching Youtube videos lol.

Do you want to make that girlfriend of yours that is suffering from insomnia laugh? Share her this meme.

And if your mind can’t sleep, it’s challenging for your body to follow.

If you find yourself lying awake at night, waiting desperately for sleep to come, you may wonder about the reasons why you can’t sleep.

Do you have a friend that doesn’t know what you are passing through at night, share this meme with him or her.

Anytime people ask you when was the last time you had a decent night’s sleep, share them this meme.

It can be funny sometimes when you want to sleep, and your brain refused.

Being older doesn’t mean you have to be tired all the time. You can do many things to help you get a good night’s sleep.

They say they keep waking up at night and can’t get back to sleep. But it’s reasonable to wake up at night; most of the time, we go back to sleep.

This meme goes to those that can sleep as far as they shut their eyes lol. You can use this meme to put a smile on their faces.

To those that don’t always have insomnia, crack them up with this meme.

You can’t force sleep to happen and staying in bed awake, frustrated.

They might even break the “rules” for good sleep and not pay for it, and if they have a terrible night’s sleep, they’re able to get right back on track.

This meme goes to those that are used to insomnia, you can always share it with them.

Getting to bed at the same time every night is a classic sleep hygiene tip, so you’ve probably heard this one.

Getting a good night of sleep can seem like the most effortless and natural thing in the world. This is how you feel when you can’t sleep.

Share this meme ith your friends who don’t have others solution to fall alseep lol

You can always use this meme to mock those that can sleep 23 hours a day.

It’s a cruel quirk of nature: No matter how many times you hit snooze, you’re still rubbing your eyes and yawning an hour after your alarm goes off.

If you have a friend that stays in Africa, you can use this meme to crack him or her up.

Your anxious worry about life and its problems may keep your brain from settling down, and the disruption of sleep is likely to keep you awake at night.