Now, to make you feel a lot better, we have this lonely meme collection you can use to express how you feel. As a human, you are a naturally social creature. When you’re isolated from others, it’s normal for you to feel alone. And once you find yourself in such a situation, you can’t avoid feeling sad and depressed. One of the most miserable and most dysfunctional aspects of our current culture is that it fosters loneliness. It’s not hard to imagine that when most people lived in tribes or small villages, isolation was not the epidemic that it currently is. Loneliness is the feeling we have when we want to connect with someone, and there is no one around to communicate with, or the person or people who are there are closed and unavailable for connection. Scroll down and let others know how you’re feeling.

Remember that having friends is not the most crucial thing in life. Do not feel that you’re the only person who is alone. Share this meme with your loved ones to brighten their day.

The fact is that you can’t always be around people. There are times when you need to sit all by yourself and reflect on your life or enjoy it. Share this hilarious meme with people to make them laugh.

If you have a friend that smokes whenever his lonely, share this meme with him to crack him up.

You don’t have to have friends to be happy. Feeling lonely is normal if you aren’t around others as much.

We tend to run from the feeling of loneliness at all costs. Don’t buy into the story when you start feeling that lonely vibe settling over you.

Being alone doesn’t mean that you have to feel miserable. Have you had the experience of feeling lonely like there is no one around you?

So pretty girls tend to have less real friends than average girls. Share this meme with your ex-boyfriend to mock him lol.

You could be close to someone, but they might not know the more personal feeling you have for him/her. It’s through this distance that feelings of loneliness start to arise.

Valentine’s alone doesn’t have to be lonely. Being alone on Valentine’s Day may leave you feeling like the only person without a partner.

You know those nights when all you want is something to eat, but your fridge is entirely barren, and you’re too tired to go shopping?

It’s always hard to say goodbye to your dog, whether you’re off to work for the day, or leaving them with a sitter for a holiday.

This situation can be annoying when you find a funny meme, but you have anybody to share it with lol.

One major challenge within happiness is loneliness. But getting together with others as a desperate attempt to not be in one’s company will leave you feeling more lonely.

When one person in a group begins to feel lonely, this feeling can spread to others, increasing everybody’s risk for feelings of loneliness.

Men feel least lonely when they have a dense network of a friend, family, and romantic connections.

There is no pain higher than being lonely, and if someone comes up and confronts that he is feeling lonely, oh boy, he is feeling the pain.

Sitting alone at that lunch table, it seems as though the universe has declared you One True Bearer of Loneliness.

When a girl is lonely for a while. It can be because they claim to have no friends or they really need a boyfriend/girlfriend.

Ever wonder to yourself why you feel alone even in a crowded room? Even amid family and friends, all of us can feel alone and lonely.

Spending time with friends and going to parties always makes for a fun time as well, but the girl who likes being alone loves a good party.

This is one of the pathetic situations we can find ourselves, but thank social media, friends on social are always there to celebrate with us.

Memes are always there to put a smile on our faces whenever we are lonely.

It doesn’t matter how big and bustling your company is – many people carry the burden of feeling lonely and isolated at work.

To be alone is a state of being while being lonely is an emotional response to one’s condition.

If you have a best friend that her mood can change because of a meme, tag her this meme.

Telling other people, you’re lonely can feel scary, shameful, and self-defeating. But expressing that feeling can be the beginning of releasing it.

If you have someone that loves being alone but hate being lonely, tag her this meme.

When you realize that you’re not alone in your loneliness, you’ll feel less lonely.

Everyone gets lonely sometimes, but it’s hard to cope when feelings of worthlessness and loneliness persist.
I’m So Lonely Meme
Check out the collections of I’m So Lonely Meme we have put together for you. We sometimes hear that it is possible to be alone but not lonely. At face value, it seems reasonable. Our personal growth, after all, should lead us to a position where we can be alone but not lonely. We may also reject the notion because humans are social animals and much desire, or need, to interact with each other. From such a perspective, it seems absurd to fathom someone living life alone but not lonely. Alone but not lonely undoubtedly means then, enjoying private time; that one may have time for reading a book or meditating, for example.

When you start feeling isolated at work, you also get demoralized and detached, perhaps even depressed.

This is one of the hilarious memes you can share with birthday celebrants to crack him or her up.

The reaction is always hilarious when you are lonely and you want people to notice you.

When we have depression, we sometimes feel like we want to run away from everything. Life can feel overwhelming and claustrophobic.

You may resist doing this at first because it can be hard to reach out to others when you’re feeling lonely.

You can use this meme to mock those that add people randomly whenever they are lonely.

We live in lonely times. The elderly are lonely. The teens are lonely. People are lonely in cities and rural areas.

If you have been feeling lonely for a while, a first step is to notice and identify this, even if just to yourself.

Feeling lonely all the time means you feel empty, and like there’s nobody around who understands or can help you out.

This is another hilarious meme you can share with those who are lonely to brighten their day.