You can use of our lol meme collections we have put together for you in which you can share with your lovely ones or your friends on social media. LOL is an abbreviation for “laughing out loud,” “laugh out loud,” or sometimes “lots of laughs.” Depending on one’s opinion and manners of usage, its longhand interpretation may slightly vary from one to another. However, “Laughing out Loud” is the most common definition of the term. LOL is one of the few existing Internet acronyms to be massively and continuously used online by every kind of people, from seasoned older users to the newbies and youngsters. It is transmitted through everything from text messaging to chatrooms and video games, included in pictures, and is even used verbally sometimes in a neologic verb form with its conjugation.

It is amusing when you about to win a lol match and internet stop working; it is a terrible experience anyway lol. Ginger your friend up by sharing this meme with them.

Almost everybody chatting online knows the full meaning of lol and believe me, it has saved a lot of lives lol. So continue saving lives by sharing this meme.

If you have a brother who always likes acting funny, share him this meme, haha you mad bro lol.

This is yet another simple, straightforward way to react to hilarious jokes from your friends online. Don’t forget to put a smile on their face s by sharing this meme with them.

Anytime you are chatting with your loved ones online and can no longer hold the laughter; this is the perfect meme for the situation.

If you have a friend who doesn’t read lol, don’t forget to tag him/her this meme.

Lol, you are super mad, This meme is another excellent way to reply the joke of that your hilarious friend when he is mad.

If half of what she posts online is meme pics, mock him with this meme, don’t forget to ask if she is not proud of her beauty lol.

Sharing this Lol Meme GIF with your friends online is another right way to brighten their day.

Cheese you so funny; This is another funny meme you can send to cat lovers if you want to crack them up.

You want to stop making a meme, are you kidding me? don’t ever try it lol, a meme is a life.

Lol, cat army, this meme is the best for those that cat always makes them laugh. Do them a favor by sharing the meme with them.

This is the best way to react to that post you see online that is very funny. Let this meme do the talking.

You can always share this adorable meme with the love of your life, can’t you see the cat is so cute? Lol.

If you read a post online and it’s so funny to the extent that you can not control your laughter, don’t hesitate to share this spongebob Mocking meme.

This is another Kevin Hart meme which is always online to put a smile on peoples face and relieve them from their stress.

This meme goes to those that can’t do without watching a cartoon, sending them this meme is a great gift you can ever give to them.

When you’re being both entertained and triggered simultaneously on Facebook or any other social media platforms, don’t forget to post this meme.

No thank you, I cannot handle this. This is seriously one of the funniest threads I’ve ever opened.

Guys who post this meme so that they can trigger people only do it to distract everyone lol.

You can always share this meme with Christian brother and sister to brighten up their day.

This meme is only considered funny in a society where mentally ill people are devalued lol.
Lol Meme Faces
Are you looking for Lol Meme Faces? Then you have come to the right place. This meme is a rage comic character that is often used to indicate laughter and general amusement. Check our collections below and share it with your loved ones.

This meme is a pain reliever if i must tell you the truth lol, continue sharing it online. Make people around you happy.

This meme goes to the younger ones, share it with them, and put a smile on their faces.

This is another scary lol meme you can ever share with someone online.

Cheer up your followers on Instagram with this great meme, they can’t help it but to laugh.

Check out this Lol Meme face Gif anytime you feel like sending a good laugh to your loved ones.